California Genealogy is developed as a genealogy and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records on California ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth, death, marriage, census, tax records, court records, and military records. It also contains some historical details about different times and people in California history.

Books we have published for your research:

1876-1878 Pacific Coast Business Directory
A three-year business directory listing the names of every merchant, manufacturer, and professional in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, the territories of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Arizona, and Alaska, and the colony of British Columbia.

Los Angeles County Pioneer Roll of Membership
Contains the pioneers’ name, place of birth, occupation, year of arrival in Los Angeles County, city of residence, and time of arrival in the state.

Register of California National Guard and Naval Militia Officers
This book gives some information about the National Guard and Naval Militia in California in 1917. We have listed only the people who served, not the structure of the army. In some cases, there were blank lines where it was believed that there should be another officer, and they were removed. There is no information about the dates after the names in the book, so we can only guess that this is the date of the beginning of their service.

Cemeteries in California
A list of all cemeteries in California, first by name, county and location. A great tool for helping with single-name cemeteries within the state.

Alphabetical list of names including address
1948 City Directory, Alturas, Modoc County
List of citizens of Alturas as of June 1948

The Valley of Death in
The Pioneer’s Autobiography ’49, detailing his life from a humble home in the Green Mountains to the gold mines of California; and, in particular, recounting the suffering of the band of men, women, and children who gave the name “Death Valley.”

Adventures of the Forty-Niners.
A Historical Description of California, with Events and Ideas of San Francisco and its People in Those Early Days, by Daniel Nover. Daniel traveled to California in 1849 during the beginning of the gold rush. This manuscript contains sketches of the events and ideas he saw, as well as a detailed account of his journey to the town of Coloma, which began during the gold rush.

Old mission stories of California
In these quiet, unpretentious stories, the writer tried to give a true picture of the life of Indians and Spaniards in New California at the beginning of the last century.

Lower California
Very soon after the conquest of Mexico, Cortés’ attention was drawn to certain stories told by some of the conquered tribes about a mysterious but wonderful country lying far to the northwest. This land they called Ciguatán, or the Kingdom of Women; and they declared that it was full of gold, pearls, rubies, garnets, turquoise, and many other articles rich and precious.